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Position:Jayuseal > Ring Joint Gasket > Ring joint gasket oval vs octagonal

Ring joint gasket oval vs octagonal

Posted Time: 2022-07-24 13:46:09Author: Ring_Joint_GasketSource: JayusealView:

This page introduce ring joint gasket oval type vs octagonal type.

Type R ring joint gasket specifications sheet

ring joint gasket r type oval style vs octagonal style

R oval style ring joint gasket dimension table in mm

Ring number: R-62
Shape: Oval cross section round RTJ ring
Material: Stainless steel S309
Weight: 3.15 kgs
Diameters(OD): 434.98 (±0.20)
rtj gasket pitch diameter(PD2): 419.1 (±0.18)
Thickness(H): 22.4 (±0.5)
Width(A): 15.88 (±0.2)
Flange and pressure application 14 inches, 900 Class rating
Marking and identification: 04/22 Jayuseal R 62-S309
ring joint gasket octagonal type size chart

R octagonal style ring joint gasket size chart in mm

Ring number: R-63
Shape: Octagonal metallic RTJ ring
Material: AISI 4140
Weight: 3.15 kgs
Diameters(OD): 444.51 (+0.19/-0.21)
rtj gasket pitch diameter(PD2): 419.14 (+0.14/-0.22)
Thickness(H): 31.9 (+0.40/-0.60)
Width(A): 25.5 (+0.1/-0.3)
Width of Flat on Octagonal(C): 17.3 (±0.2)
Pipe size and pressure application 14 inches,1500 Class rating
Marking and identification: 08/22 Jayuseal R 63-4140

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