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Best quality ring joint gasket

Posted Time: 2022-07-22 18:46:08Author: Ring_Joint_GasketSource: JayusealView:

This page introduces different types of best quality ring joint gaskets manufactured according to API and ASME standards.

Ring joint gasket specifications

Best quality R type ring joint gasket size chart-oval style

Ring number: R-66
Shape: Metallic ring with oval section
Material: Steel F11
Weight: 3.53 kgs
Diameters(OD): 485.78 (±0.20)
rtj gasket pitch diameter(PD2): 469.9 (±0.18)
Thickness(H): 22.4 (±0.5)
Width(A): 15.88 (±0.2)
Flange and pressure application 16 inches, 900 Class rating
Marking and identification: 03/22 Jayuseal R 66-F11
best ring joint gasket product size

Best quality ring joint gasket dimensions

Best quality R type ring joint gasket size chart-octagonal style

Ring number: R-67
Shape: sealing gasket, octagonal section
Material: Steel F22
Weight: 10.71 kgs
Diameters(OD): 498.47 (+0.21/-0.19)
rtj gasket pitch diameter(PD2): 469.89 (+0.19/-0.17)
Width of flat on octagonal RTJ(C): 19.79 (+0.22/-0.18)
Thickness(H): 35.1 (±0.5)
Width(A): 28.54 (+0.24/-0.16)
Flange size and pressure 16 inches, 1500 class rating
Origin: Made by manufacturer in India
Marking and identification: 05/21 Jayuseal R 67-F22
best ring joint gasket manufacturer in China

Best RX type ring joint gasket dimension table

Ring number RX-41
Material F-60 forgings
Weight: 0.87 kgs
Diameters(OD): 191.84 (+0.35/-0.15)
Height of OD Bevel(D): 4.21 (+0.03/-0.77)
Width of flat on RX41 RTJ(C): 6.49(+0.06/-0.04)
Thickness(H): 25.41 (+0.19/-0.01)
Width(A): 11.93 (+0.18/-0.02)
identification Marking: 08/19 Jayuseal RX 41 4-6 F60
best ring joint gasket manufacturer in India

Best quality BX type ring joint gasket data sheet

Ring number and shape: BX164, solid ring with drilling hole
Material: Steel LF2 Forgings
Weight: 9.73 kgs
Diameters(OD): 570.54 (+0.02/-0.13)
Diameter of the flat (ODT): 566.28 (+0.06,-0.04)
Width of flat on BX164 RTJ(C): 20.35(+0.12/-0.03)
Thickness(H): 30.13 (+0.17/-0.03)
Width(A): 24.59 (+0.2/-0)
Pipe size and pressure rating: 18 3/4 inches, class rating 10000,15000
Origin: Made by manufacturer in China
Identification: 12/20 Jayuseal BX 163-LF2

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